Learn more about Diabetic Macular Oedema, including The Symptoms, The Causes, and The Treatments.
The information below is not intended for self diagnose of an eye condition. If you are worried or suffering from an eye problem, please call us on 0208 524 2887 and book in to see us.
Diabetic macula oedema (DMO) is one of the complications caused by diabetes; it is a form of diabetic retinopathy. Patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes can get this condition if their diabetes is not being controlled. Diabetic macular oedema is where fluid that has leaked from the blood vessels and accumulates at the macula (your central vision, where you see colour and fine detail).
• Dark patches in your vision
• Sudden loss of vision
• Colour vision is poor
• More difficulty with glare
• Straight edges of objects (i.e. door frame) appear bent or distorted
Please visit your local opticians or an Ophthalmologist at your local eye hospital immediately should you have a sudden loss of vision.
When a patient has uncontrolled diabetes, the blood vessels become weak and damaged. The blood vessels begin to leak fluid. The central vision (macula) needs a constant blood supply. The macula is the area of the retina (light sensitive layer at the back of your eyes which allow you to see) that enables your eyes to see colour and fine detail. A build of oedema at the macula caused by damaged leaking blood vessels will have a profound effect on your vision.
Diabetic macular oedema is treated via injection to the affected area of the macula (central vision on your retina). The injections are an anti-VEGF drug that helps stop the leaking blood vessels releasing more fluid into the affected area. You will more than likely have more than one injection and you will be monitored closely until the fluid leaked by the blood vessels is under control. Fluid leakage outside of the central macula may be treated by laser treatment. The laser stops the formation of new blood vessels and stunts the leakage.
Treatment in the central macula will not restore your vision to how it used to be before you had the diabetic macular oedema. However it will try and save the unaffected areas of the macula & retina and to slow or stop further damage.